Are you struggling with missing several or all of your teeth? You aren’t the only one. More than 120 million Americans are experiencing the same issue. The good news is that you don’t have to settle for living the rest of your life with the challenges of losing your teeth, such as difficulties chewing. Our dentistry team at Taylor Choice Dental can easily and effectively restore your smile with dentures in Taylor, TX! With these long-lasting and durable dental restorations, you’ll be able to enjoy the full use of your teeth again for many years to come. Read on or give us a call today to see if this treatment is right for you.
If you’re struggling with tooth loss, then you’re most likely a good candidate for dentures. To be certain, you’ll first visit us for your initial consultation. During this appointment, we’ll assess your oral health, discuss your smile goals and lifestyle habits, and determine which restoration option is best for your situation. If there are any developing issues present, such as gum disease, then we’ll provide the necessary preliminary treatment to address them before moving forward with restoring your smile. Once we decide that dentures are a good option for you, we’ll move on to fabricating your new pearly whites.
“Dentures” is actually an umbrella term that involves multiple kinds of restorations. Here’s what you should expect from each type:
Partial dentures (otherwise known as “partials”) are designed to help patients replace several missing teeth but who still have some of their natural ones remaining. This restoration option typically uses a gum-colored base to secure the new teeth and keeps them in place via a discreet metal framework.
On the other hand, full dentures are an ideal option for those who are missing all of their pearly whites. These restorations also have gum-colored bases and custom-designed prosthetic teeth that are kept in place with natural suction, denture adhesive, or a bit of both. Thanks to modern dentistry, full dentures are much more natural-looking, reliable, and can last many years with proper care.
For a more secure foundation, implant dentures are the gold standard for tooth replacements. This option uses high-quality dental implants to anchor your restorations directly to your jawbone. Since they serve as your new permanent roots, they’ll be able to preserve your jawbone, avoid involuntary slippage, and can last several decades to a lifetime!
Dentures are much more advanced than ever before. Nowadays, patients who opt for this tooth-replacement option can expect to enjoy the following benefits: