If you place your fingers just under your ears and move your jaw from side to side, you’ll feel a set of hinges shifting beneath the skin. These are your temporomandibular joints (TMJs), which enable your jaw to freely move in various directions. Just as many other joints in the body can suffer from problems that lead to them becoming stiff or sore, so too can the TMJs. This is known as TMJ disorder, or TMD. If you’ve been dealing with chronic pain in your jaw, neck, or head, let our Taylor Choice Dental team provide lasting relief with targeted TMJ treatment at our Taylor, TX dental office!
One common cause of TMD is an uneven bite that prevents the upper and lower teeth from coming together properly. This keeps the jaw muscles from being able to fully relax, creating tension that leads to soreness and general discomfort. To make sure your bite can close correctly, we may perform equilibration/occlusal adjustments. This treatment entails reshaping certain teeth in specific locations along the arch. At that point, your jaw muscles can relax, and the strain on your TMJs is lifted.